
Define Your Interview Impression

May 25, 2020

You get the big interview, and you’re so excited to meet these new people & learn all about the opportunities they can provide.

As part of your prep, take time to define what impression you want to make on these new interviewers.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What skills does this industry value?

Is this a very technical field that requires analytical thinking? Does it rely more on the interactions between people? Be aware if there are certain tools you should know and how current events and trends are affecting the industry. 

What skills and traits does this company value?

Most companies will make their mission & values publicly available on their websites. Being familiar with the company’s priorities for the business and its employees will help you further understand the culture and driving forces. Take time to recognize the themes in the way they describe themselves.

What are my personal core values?

Quick – what are your top 5 values? If you don’t have an answer ready, I encourage you to go through the exercise of identifying a few concepts that define yourself and what your priorities are in your life. Here is a list of some common personal values to get you started. Each word will mean something different for each person, so pick the ones that most resonate with you.

How can I tailor my examples to fit each of these values?

At some point in every interview process, you will be asked “behavioral” questions. These typically start with “Tell me about a time when…” or “When was a time that…?” The interviewer is looking for a specific example that answers the question and provides insight to who you are and how you will fit into their organization. Think through the answers to some of the typical questions and consider how you can exemplify the values of the industry & company, while remaining true to your personal values.

How can I tailor my questions to reflect my interest in certain topics and align myself with these values?

Some interviewers will confess that the most important part of the interview is the Q&A section from the interviewee. These questions have the power to reiterate your interest in certain areas, highlight your priorities, and further communicate your personal values.

Explore more categories:  Interview Prep, Professional Life

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