It’s currently the end of 2020 and there is no time like the end of a year to reflect on how life is going and reorient for the new year and set some goals! In 2020 I am most proud of the work I have done on personal finance, so I want to share a bit about that journey with you to hopefully inspire you to set some goals for the new year (or whenever you’re listening to this!).
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In this episode, I share about what I did to set myself up for financial management success, talk about values-based spending, give you a break down of my top 6 spending categories this year, and tell you where to find some coupons!
I reference lots of resources, so here are the promised links:
Follow Darcie & Grow Financially Well: or
YNAB link/coupon (and more!):
More on the 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate:
Core Values + Blueprint:
Ellevest Impact Portfolios for Investing:
Genesis Women’s Shelter:
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