
by Jamie on Purpose


Cover Image Flatlay of Phone playing the Jamie on Purpose podcast

06. Is consulting for you? An inside look of the “expert” business model

Have you thought about being a consultant, but you don’t know if it’s a good fit for you? This episode covers everything you wanted to know about consulting but were too afraid to ask.

see the post >

Cover Image Flatlay of Phone playing the Jamie on Purpose podcast

05. Don’t answer the question: The surprising trick to turn small talk into meaningful connection

One day I realized that people didn’t actually care about what I did that weekend. Asking about your weekend is actually a way to start a conversation, learn something about you that is interesting, and find a way to connect with you. 

see the post >

Cover Image Flatlay of Phone playing the Jamie on Purpose podcast

04. Virtual Meeting Etiquette

Here we talk through the rules of etiquette in virtual meetings, how to prioritize audio quality, and what “self-awareness” means in our new virtual meeting era. 

see the post >