
by Jamie on Purpose


Cover Image Flatlay of Phone playing the Jamie on Purpose podcast

Ep 26. Book Behind the Scenes: The Making of 7 Signposts

I always knew writing, editing, and publishing a book would be hard and time-consuming, but I had no idea how hard and time-consuming it actually would be!

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Cover Image Flatlay of Phone playing the Jamie on Purpose podcast

Ep 25. 4 Topics that didn’t make it into my book (but are definitely worth knowing about)

I wrote a whole book on what I would want to tell my 20 year old self, but here’s the thing: I couldn’t fit everything into the book that I would want to tell her! In this episode, I cover four more topics that didn’t make it into my book, but are definitely worth knowing about. 

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Ep 24. 7 Signposts: The reveal of my upcoming book’s title and more!

Alert: title reveal ahead!! After 18 months of hard work, I am THRILLED to share with you the details of my upcoming book, 7 Signposts, which you can get on Amazon on September 27th! 

see the post >